Steps in the strategic planning process that worked in the more stable 20th Century no longer work well in the fast-changing 21st. was created to provide you with a practical, effective, inexpensive guide to the right strategic planning process that will actually help you achieve the results you want now.
The fact is, most strategic planning processes fail, according to recent studies. Any why is that? Henry Mintzberg, probably the world’s leading strategic planning scholar, and author of The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning (Free Press, 1994), says the main reason is that traditional strategic planning provides “the illusion of control.” What this means is that, as most people do strategic planning the traditional way, they unwittingly build into it assumptions and strategies over which they personally have little or no control. “If you plan it, it will happen.” This is very seductive and difficult even for experienced planners to avoid.
The author of this website reveals to you the secrets he has discovered over the past 20 years seeking to develop the most effective, reliable steps in the strategic planning process. He has written for your purchase and download an easy to read, easy to follow book entitled, “Dynamic Strategic Planning: A Powerful Process For Real-World Results.” The book is available as a published paperback and as a Kindle edition on, as well as an e-book for immediate download from this site.
Author E. W. “Buck” Lawrimore has been a strategic planning consultant for many different business, nonprofit, government and community organizations. As the pace of change in the world has continued to move faster and faster, making prediction harder and harder, he saw that more and more often, strategic plans might look good on paper but were not being adequately implemented, leading to lots of frustration and sometimes downright anger. The millions of dollars and millions of hours wasted worldwide on misguided strategic planning are mind-boggling. This is an urgent and important challenge.
So, what if we all followed the right steps in the strategic planning process? Well, we could expect things like these:
- Plans are highly realistic and are actually enacted
- People are personally committed to all goals and make them happen
- False predictions are minimized so the organization can adapt rapidly to change
- Implementing the strategic plan allows the organization to accomplish big improvements it had not been able to achieve before
- The whole process is as inexpensive as possible
- Everyone who participates enjoys the process and feels it is an excellent use of their time
These are just some of the unique and powerful benefits of Dynamic Strategic Planning. It was intentionally created, and refined over many years of real-world experience, to be the most effective, powerful, realistic strategic planning process ever developed. You can learn the 12 steps of the Dynamic Strategic Planning process yourself by purchasing your own copy of this highly valuable book in either paperback or electronic editions. It’s a little over 30 pages and 11,000 words, so you can read it in a short time and have all your strategic planning participants read it also. It’s a step-by-step guidebook your people can follow and understand, enabling you to achieve much more powerful and realistic results. If you’re ready to decide which version to buy, see your options now by clicking here. If you’re not ready, or want to learn more, here’s some additional valuable information:
- Steps in the strategic planning process – traditional vs. Dynamic Strategic Planning
- Strategic business planning
- Chamber of Commerce strategic planning
- Steps in the strategic planning process for the church
- The author’s strategic planning credentials
- Purchase your copy of Dynamic Strategic Planning: A Powerful Process For Real-World Results