Discover Your Strengths For Greater Life Success

NowDiscoverYourStrengthsWithin days of writing about “First, Break All The Rules,” we encountered the sequel, “Now, Discover Your Strengths” by Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton (Free Press, 2001). As Peter Drucker says on the inside flap, “Most Americans do not know what their strengths are. When you ask them, they look at you with a blank stare, or they respond in terms of subject knowledge, which is the wrong answer.”

Buckingham and Clifton have identified 34 themes from the extensive research which led to “First, Break” as well as other sources over a 25-year period. They used advanced statistical techniques to pull these themes from their enormous data pool so they, and we, could be confident of their significance. What’s really neat about their system is it was designed to be administered over the Internet. When you buy the book, you get a unique code. You log on to, enter your code, and answer a series of questions. The program identifies your five top themes, in descending order, with the strongest first.

Themes include Achiever, Activator, Empathy, Futuristic, Strategic, and one I found creative, Woo (the ability to woo other people). Being something of a personality test junkie, I have taken many, and I have to say, this was the most positive experience of all. I felt the results for me were more accurate than any other personality test I’ve taken, and that’s saying a lot. To provide added value, the book includes a full page (34 in all) on how to manage a person who has each strength. So if you know the strengths of the people working for you, you can use this information to mutual advantage.

For example, in managing an Activator, “let her know she is a person who can make things happen and that you will be asking her for help at key times. Your expectations will energize her.” For managing a person strong in Strategic, “Position this person on the leading edge of your organization. His ability to anticipate problems and their solutions will be valuable.”

If your managing-leading style takes advantage of this powerful system, your people will be happier and more productive, and you will be more effective getting the results you need. It should also reduce turnover and energize your organization or division as a whole.

Remember that “First, Break All the Rules” advises us to make the most of what a person has, not to try to compensate for weaknesses. The first book identifies the 34 themes; the second one explains them in detail and gives you an on-line test to find your own strengths. I highly recommend “Now, Discover Your Strengths.” It is fun to read, enjoyable to learn about your strengths, and a true leading-edge management tool.

If you’d like to order either one from, here are the (affiliate) links:

For “First, Break”:

For “Now, Discover”:

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