The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has been given to millions of people worldwide as an ideal tool for self-understanding and organization development. For more than 20 years, the LCIWEB team has provided Myers-Briggs testing as part of our organization development and management consulting services. Now we are pleased to also offer a low-cost version which you can take online any time, any where.
Free Myers-Briggs Test Online
This new service is made possible by an affiliation with, which provides an Internet version of the Myers-Briggs called The TypeFinder® Personality Test. It is not identical to the Myers-Briggs but provides a quick and easy assessment for each participant to learn their 4-letter Myers-Briggs type. (This is an affiliate link for which we may receive a small commission if you purchase any paid products, but the basic test is free.) You can check out the TypeFinder® Personality Test here.
Myers-Briggs is extremely valuable for team-building, whether you’re focusing on the management team, a worker team, or any combination thereof. It is “normal” for people to think that their type, their take on the world, is “normal” and that people who have different views and styles are “not normal.” A funny audio recording was made a few years ago by a minister who uses Myers-Briggs in his pastoral counseling, and the title was, “Why can’t you be normal – like me?”
In fact people working together – or married – can have opposite personality types. This can cause no end of friction, split-ups and divorces. With professional counseling they can understand each other’s natural differences and learn to get along better and even complement each other better.
You Are Born With Your Myers-Briggs Type
It is widely believed that each person’s Myers-Briggs type is based on his or her own genetic make-up. We are born with a strong disposition to have a certain personality type. Even though life experiences can make us lean one way or the other, the true personality type changes very little over an entire lifetime. You are much better off knowing your true personality type, and building a life and a job that is consistent with that, than trying to satisfy other people’s ideas of what you ought to be and making yourself miserable in the process.
So whether you want to understand yourself better, your team or company, take the The TypeFinder® Personality Test to learn about your personality, capabilities, career choices and much more.