What do your customers value most from a company like yours? How satisfied are they? What could you do to improve their satisfaction, attract new customers and increase your sales?
These are some of the penetrating questions that can be explored on a well-designed Customer Value Survey, a special type of market research that can yield powerful insights and bottom-line benefits.
Over the years of administering many Customer Value Surveys, we have developed a set of questions that work for almost every kind of business. Of course we always expand or modify this set with critical issues which our clients want to explore.
The results often have a very positive impact, such as leading to the development of successful new products, dramatically improving customer communications, or increasing sales and profits. The Lawrimore team not only designs and administers the survey, but also sticks with you to help implement the desired improvements, to make sure you get the maximum gain from the survey results.
A professional customer survey produces facts that your whole management team can accept and act on. The goal is not only increased sales but also improved customer retention, stronger trust, enhanced perceptions of your brand, and on-target improvement initiatives. Any small to mid-size business can afford this.
Learn more or contact the Lawrimore team to explore a valuable customer survey for your business – call 704-332-4344 or click here for details.