how to be successful in life

How To Be Successful In Life – The Fundamentals

How To Be Successful In Life – The Fundamentals

The Fundamentals of How To Be Successful In Life involve a three-step process that has been a part of human wisdom for many years:

1. Where are you now?

2. Where do you want to go?

3. How do you get there?

This process will put you in charge of your life and help you achieve greater success. It is simple, practical and proven effective. Even if you do not read any further in this post, you are strongly encouraged to read this Part I and put it to use so that you can begin immediately achieving greater success in your life.

Now, let’s get started.

Where Are You In Your Life Success Now?

Where are you in your life success now? If you want to know how to be more successful in life, you need to understand that you are exactly where you have chosen to be and where life circumstances have placed you! Some of this is within your control, and some is not. It’s important to understand and appreciate the differences.

The ancient Stoics taught that you can really only control yourself—mainly your thoughts and actions. Even those are hard to control because our minds are by nature impulsive, prone to make quick decisions and take actions before thinking things through. That kept our ancestors from becoming lunch for lions, but it is not very helpful to achieve higher levels of success in life. We’ll discuss this more later on.

To assess where you are now, you must consider many factors — you are strongly encouraged to write this down on a sheet of paper or a word processing document, because writing it down is far more powerful than just thinking about it. It will stick in your mind and provide a firmer foundation for building your unique success plan. So get out something to write with and do this exercise now for best results. This will help you determine how to be more successful in life Here’s what you need to evaluate:

  • Your physical strengths and limitations
  • Your mental strengths and any mental problems you might have
  • Your emotional state and any emotional problems you might have
  • Your spiritual state and relationship to God or a Supreme Power
  • Your unique personality – so important to understand for your success
  • Your knowledge – what you know and what you need to know
  • Your talents – things you do better than most people, such as music, athletics, writing, art, fixing things and more
  • Your resources – family, money, personal and business connections
  • Your environment – things going on around you which you cannot control, such as the economy, your community, your family relationships, technology, laws and regulations, and other factors 
  • Did we leave something out that you think is important to you in your life? By all means add it to this life assessment. 
  • Now let’s look at each of these factors in more detail.

Your Physical Strengths and Limitations in Life 

Most people have normal healthy bodies, but many of us struggle with physical limitations. Perhaps you have a physical problem with your body, an illness, problems with your weight, drug addictions or impaired senses. Or perhaps you are fortunate enough to be strong and healthy, in good shape and physically active.

Whatever your physical condition, it is extremely important to make the most of it in order to be more successful in ife. Being physically active, eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, sleeping well, and avoiding smoking as well as too much alcohol or drugs, will all greatly enhance your mental capacities to think clearly, control what you are doing, and be more successful in life.

Any effort to achieve greater success of any kind is going to take energy, and the best way to have more energy is to use it through regular physical activity. So in this first step, honestly assess your physical strengths, limitations and habits, and consider what you could improve.

Your Mental Strengths And Any Problems

Your mind is the most complicated thing in the world. The human mind has about 100 billion nerve cells called neurons. Each of them is capable of connecting to millions of other cells in the brain. The number of possible connections among all your brain cells is greater than all the stars in the universe. Your mind is virtually unlimited.

But through evolution your mind has evolved to minimize the effort required to perform a task. Your mind is naturally lazy. This conserves energy, which is good for survival, but it is not good for increasing your success! 

A few fortunate people are naturally very self-disciplined and can do just about anything they set their minds to. For these fortunate few, success comes more easily than it does for the rest of us. Most folks do only what they have to, and even then the natural laziness often kicks in. It’s easier to put out a little effort and get a C in class than to work hard to get an A. We have a tendency to get into a comfort zone of daily routines, and even though we might wish for greater success, getting out of that comfort zone means making ourselves uncomfortable – and that is not easy.

Some people are also naturally more intelligent than others. It’s easier for these people to make the A’s, do well on written tests, and be successful in life. But if you are smart enough to be reading this book, you are plenty smart enough to learn more. You just need to develop the habit of constantly learning useful information, which we’ll discuss later on.

Underneath these more obvious mental factors such as self-discipline and intelligence, many people have underlying mental problems that can have a huge impact on how to be more successful in life. In my own case, in my early 20s I experienced anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia (fear of being away from home alone) for causes totally unknown to me at the time. These were frightening, excruciating experiences that made it hard for me to make it through the day and keep my job, much less be successful. Thanks to the Good Lord, these challenges gave me the motivation to learn how to control these mental problems, to become more confident and self-disciplined, and to acquire the knowledge that is allowing me to write this article. But it was a difficult struggle over many years.

One simple test of whether or not you have underlying mental problems, which I believe many people do have, is to answer this question, Can you do anything you want to do? I’m not talking about flying by flapping your arms or turning lead into gold. I’m talking about doing your job, driving a car alone, speaking before a group, building positive relationships with new people, maintaining healthy habits — basically everyday stuff of life and business. If not, you may need psychotherapy or learning self mastery by practicing what is in this website, or both. 

Before we move on to the next topic in how to be successful in life, take a little time to write down in a notebook or document your observations about your own mental strengths and problems, as honestly as you can.

Your Emotional State And Any Problems In Life

It is difficult if not impossible to separate your mental condition from your emotional condition. However we need to look at emotions separately here because they might get ignored if we just took a limited mental focus.

What is your emotional state in general? Are you happy or depressed? Are you positive about your life and future or negative, worried or anxious? Do you feel loved, and do you love others easily? Do you have anger issues and sometimes explode? 

Emotions are like thermometers that give us readings (feelings) of our various internal conditions. Most often emotions are triggered by mental processes, which may be conscious, subconscious or unconscious. They can also be habitual, for example, every time you look at your messy room you feel down. And emotions can be a continuing state, like being in a new love relationship or long-term depression.

Emotions no doubt evolved to aid our survival. You see a tiger coming at you through the brush and hormones flood your body with feelings of fear and flight, energizing your legs to run like crazy, your heart rate and breathing to speed up, and many more responses. More pleasant emotions can bond us to other people through love and sex. This helps promote survival of the family unit and protection of our children.

To some degree you can control your emotions through mental override. I learned to overcome feelings of anxiety or impending panic by telling myself over and over, “I am calm and in control.”  You can learn to control your emotions in a similar manner, and this can greatly enhance your success in life. But it takes work. More on this later.

Take a few minutes now to write down your current emotional state, any problems you’re having, and how you would like to be feeling.

Your Spiritual State And Relationship To God

There is definitely a spiritual dimension to human life, to your life, and this allows each of us to have a personal relationship to God or a Higher Power as you may experience it. Extensive research has shown that people who go to church regularly or engage in similar worship are happier people.  TIME magazine has reported:

“…scientists have found, again and again, that those with a spiritual practice or who follow religious beliefs tend to be happier than those who don’t. Study after study has found that religious people tend to be less depressed and less anxious than nonbelievers, better able to handle the vicissitudes of life than nonbelievers.”⁠2 

As Saint Augustine famously said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”

Many people are confused by what seem to be contradictions between the claims of science, which they were taught to trust in school, and the claims of religion, which can be contrary. The famous physicist Stephen Hawking, right before he died, said, “There is no God.” 

Actually there is no place for God in science. Science is based on observable facts and data. “Faith,” as the Apostle Paul said, “is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” But you do not have to bet your life on either science or religion. Each one is a method for thinking and acting in a particular realm of human existence. Science works well in the laboratory, astronomy, physics and chemistry, whereas faith works well in human relationships, in your relationship to God, in understanding the meaning of life, in caring for the less fortunate and much more.

I and many others strongly believe that finding how to be successful in life depends on a personal relationship with God. You might get rich without that relationship, but you might also lie, cheat and steal along the way. You might get promoted without that relationship, but you might step on, hurt and undercut other people along the way. However success should not be considered having lots of wealth and power but in being the most complete person you can be.

The best way to treat other people in life and business is by following the Golden Rule — treat other people the way you want to be treated, or even better, the Platinum Rule, treat other people the way they want to be treated. This kind of love in action pays huge dividends in life because we are all hardwired to respond to it in a positive manner, and the act of loving others appropriately makes us feel better as well.

Take a few minutes to write down your thoughts about your spiritual state and relationship to God, and whether or not you want this to be part of your pathway to greater success in life.

The next self-assessment relates to your personality, a very important factor in determining what pathway to success is going to be best for you. So we are devoting a separate chapter to it.

How To Be Successful In Life – Your Personality  

Many authors of various success books and speakers at success-oriented events over the years have assumed that you could be successful like them if you acted like them. They did not seem to appreciate that differences in personality play a huge role in how people relate to life, other people and themselves.

The day you were conceived in your mother’s womb, your natural bent, inclinations or tendencies were genetically determined. Many people who try to find out how to be successful in life do not understand how important their genetic personality type is. It is highly likely that if you have brothers or sisters, your personality is different from theirs. This is not primarily because they were raised differently but because they have different genetic personalities. You can certainly observe this if you are a parent and have more than one child. It is sometimes amazing and entertaining to observe two little people growing up – how different their evolving personalities are at even an early age! 

The famous psychologist Carl Jung was the first to observe and develop theories about the key personality differences. Later these theories formed the basis of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) developed by sisters Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. “Type” here means personality type. The Myers-Briggs is the most widely used personality profiling instrument in the world, and it is a powerful tool for understanding yourself and enhancing your success. Maybe you have taken the Myers-Briggs and have the results around somewhere. Unfortunately many people take the MBTI in a group setting, find out the results, and never learn to take advantage of this extremely powerful information.

Here’s the important point: The more your personal success pursuit is consistent with your personality type, the more successful and happy you will be! Got that? For example, a job or career that is an ideal fit for your personal preferences as expressed in your personality type, the more successful and happy you are likely to be in that position.

If you have never taken the MBTI, there are several ways you can do that:

  • Take it for free online. The last time I checked, if you search for “free Myers Briggs test,” you’ll find an online resource called (affiliate link: which has an excellent free version as well as a paid option that provides more information. This is not the “official” Myers-Briggs test, but it is really good and I recommend it. 
  • Find a psychologist, organization development consultant, career counselor or other professional (like me) in your community who can give you the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test and explain the results. This will not be free but it should be easily affordable and worth every penny.
  • Your third option is to buy a copy of the book “Please Understand Me” by David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates. (You can find it new and used at with this link: . Keirsey and Bates were experts in the Myers-Briggs system, and their book contains a simplified version you can take and score yourself.  (Since publishing that book, Keirsey separated his system from the Myers-Briggs and later passed away, but his original book is still very valuable and relevant.) 
  • Finally, here’s a brief summary which you can use informally (not as accurate or thorough as the full version) to better understand your natural personality type. The MBTI is divided into four scales, representing opposite tendencies; most people fall somewhere in between the two extremes, but some are all the way at one end. The four scales are:





Each of these eight terms has special meaning within the MBTI and should never be taken literally using dictionary definitions of those words. Let’s look at each one a little more closely.

Extravert – More oriented to the outer world of people and things. Energized by interacting with people.  Introvert – More oriented to the inner world of ideas and thought. Energized by peaceful time alone.
Sensing – More oriented to concrete facts, objects and things observable by the senses. Intuitive – More oriented to possibilities and connections, including abstractions not observable by the senses.
Thinking – Making decisions based on impersonal analysis and logic Feeling – Making decisions based more on personal values and feelings
Judging – Preferring to be highly organized, a tendency to separate things into lists and timelines and to make fairly quick decisions Perceiving – Preferring to remain open to possibilities, a tendency to not be highly organized but rather checking possibilities and details before deciding

Extravert-Introvert is where we get our energy.

Sensing-Intuitive is how we take in or process information.

Thinking-Feeling is how we make decisions.

Judging-Perceiving is how we structure our lives.

These different preferences are typically abbreviated with the first letter of each word, except the letter N is used for Intuitive to distinguish it from Introvert (I). Thus an ESTJ is a natural business manager, organizer of facts and equipment. An INFP is a natural creative, perhaps a musician, artist, creative writer or designer.

Some people including me are “down the middle” on some of the scales. They can go either way, depending on the situation. Others have strong preferences and always go one way regardless of the situation. Neither one is good or bad. Our Creator made us all different. Each personality type has unique strengths that no other type has. The more you understand your personality type and its unique strengths, and the more you set goals or develop systems consistent with those strengths, the happier and more successful you will probably be.

This is not something you will find in most books about success in life or creating your own future! Many of them lead you to believe you can do anything or be anything you want – that sells more books! But that approach sets many people up for unhappiness and frustration. So they quit trying after failing, don’t take control of their lives or don’t change anything. 

If you are strongly introverted, you will probably not be happy roaming the world as a public speaker, although some U.S. Presidents like Barack Obama are considered to have been somewhat introverted, as have famous preachers and others who often spoke to large audiences. 

If you are a free spirit, someone with a strong Perceiving preference, you will probably not be happy making lists before you act every day. However, some Perceivers do learn to compensate for their natural tendencies with corrective habits. I have known some ENFP’s – usually warm, outgoing people who are not natural list-makers – to carry around big notebooks in which they have their whole life and work highly organized. Like many others they have learned to compensate for their natural tendencies by forming habits that keep them on track so they can achieve desired objectives on the job or in their personal lives.

You can learn much more about the different Myers-Briggs types (free) and see which one fits you best at and other resources, online and in print.

There is much more to human personality than one’s Myers-Briggs type, of course. You could get a Ph.D. in psychology and spend a lifetime of study by focusing on human personality. But I want to emphasize the Myers-Briggs because I personally have found it to be extremely valuable in understanding differences between people which appear to be hard-wired, and which allow one to predict their behaviors and preferences in a wide range of situations. So if you want to be more successful in life, then find out your own Myers-Briggs type, learn its strengths and shortcomings, and use it to better understand and relate to other people.

Make note of your personality type in this “Where are you now” part of how to be successful in life before moving on. 

In addition to personality as an important factor of your brain and self, knowledge and talents are also highly relevant in the pursuit of success. Let’s look at them next.

Your Knowledge And Talents

Your knowledge goes back to infancy and extends to the current moment. You are constantly learning. Some of this is conscious and some is unconscious. The question is, is your learning intentionally focused on select specific topics, or is it diffuse, reactive, based on whatever you encounter in the world?

Take a few minutes to assess your knowledge, including any subjects you studied in school and can recall easily, or knowledge gained through experience like travel or sports, or knowledge you are currently pursuing through reading and self-directed study — anything you feel you have valuable knowledge about. Then add to that any topics you would like to know more about, based on your current life situation.

Unlike knowledge, which is acquired through experience, talents are more generally inherited genetically. Your talents may include the arts, sports, writing, gardening, woodworking, managing, nurturing and much more. Talents are often closely related to Myers-Briggs type, but definitely not the same. For example, people who are strongly intuitive (N) often have one or more creative talents such as art, writing or design, but no one has all possible creative talents. By the time you are old enough to be reading this, you have probably discovered your main talents, the things you naturally have a gift for or do better than most other people. So please make a record of them now, below your assessment of your knowledge.

Your Resources – Physical And Personal

Resources are things and people outside of yourself that you can draw on as you pursue greater success. Take an assessment of your resources, pros and cons, using this list as a guide, but adding any others that occur to you:

  • Money and other financial assets
  • Relationships with family and friends which you can count on for help and support
  • Real estate and other property, as well as natural resources you may own or have access to, such as forestry or the ocean
  • Any business resources you own or control such as computer equipment, buildings or land, customer relationships, networks with other business people, memberships in professional associations, and more
  • Spiritual resources such as your church, synagogue or mosque, or your relationship to God such as this well-known passage from Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
  • Community resources which might be helpful, such as neighborhood groups which you value, places where you shop or enjoy entertainment, or government services if you can rely on them to help you
  • Any other resources which come to mind that you might rely on or wish you had

Your Environment in Life

While resources in the section above are things you can rely on or draw on to help you be more successful in life, your environment includes realities and forces beyond your control which you have to adapt to in order to achieve greater success. Earlier we said that over thousands of years, those who survived, thrived and procreated were most successful at adapting to their changing environments. So this is very important. You might impact your environment in some small way like reducing your carbon emissions, but in general you are the one adapting to your environment.

Here are some key environmental factors which may help or hinder your pathway to success; list and evaluate each of them as they impact you:

  • The local business environment 
  • The economy and financial markets
  • Technology and innovation
  • Your neighborhood and community
  • Your local or visited natural environments
  • Laws and regulations that impact you
  • Political and government leaders that can or do impact you in some way
  • The worldwide flow of information and the constant explosion of knowledge which can affect your success, especially if you stay on top of it
  • Other people who are not family or friends but whose behaviors can impede or advance your success, such as teachers or coaches

While this is the last item in our list of factors to assess for “Where are you now,” consider if maybe we left something out that you think is important to you in your life, or could be if things were different. Feel free to add anything that comes to mind. The goal here is to get down on paper or a word processing document a thorough assessment of all the factors which do or might impact your life and your success, opportunities or challenges moving forward.

Where Do You Want To Go To Be Successful In Life?

At this point you can review your personal assessment of where you are now and think about where you want to go, where you want to be, and what you want to be doing in the future.

Rather than laboring over this phase, just go back over your notes and write down one-liners or phrases that capture or express something you want for your future. Maybe it’s more money, a better job, a new partner, a new home, a better relationship with family or with God, new knowledge and expertise. At this point don’t let practicality or obvious challenges get in your way. Just dream a little and create what is called a Vision Statement of what your life would look like in the future, say 10 or 20 years from now or even when you are ready for retirement. Whatever you think about, write down your thoughts.

Next, create a list or description of your highest values, things which are most important to you in your life. Values are somewhat abstract, such as loving others, gaining recognition, maximizing income or obeying God. Put down values which represent your true passion, values you can dedicate your life to, not someone else’s ideas or words.

Once you’ve done your first draft of your Vision Statement and your Values, work on clarifying your Vision Statement in light of your Values. Do your best to write a few sentences that are truly “visible” in terms of being able to see them in your mind as a desired future state. For example instead of saying “I want to be rich,” you might say, “I am earning over $200,000 a year.” Make it present tense, tangible, and possible even though it would be a stretch. Aiming to be the richest person in the world would not realistically be possible, but aiming to make as much money as other people in your chosen line of business would be possible. Remember to make each part of the statement present tense, starting with “I am…” This helps the mind accept is as truth and to constantly seek ways to bring it into reality.

This Vision Statement represents long-term desires and aspirations, 10 or 20 or even more years out. To make the visions actionable, convert them into concrete goals. One way to make them concrete is to make them “SMART”:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timed

For example, a SMART goal pertaining to money would be, “I will be earning $10,000 a month before taxes 24 months from now.” Only you can determine if this would be achievable and realistic. If you are a cook in a restaurant, probably not. If you sell life insurance or real estate, definitely achievable. Again make it a “stretch” but don’t “break” yourself with something that will set you up for disappointment.

Having too many goals can bog you down. It’s better to have 3 to 5 goals you can focus on achieving than a dozen that will boggle your mind. Stephen Covey, author of the famous “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” recommended matching goals and roles. For example you might set a goal for your role as an entrepreneur or employee, another one for your role as a spouse, another as a parent, etc. Think about the different roles you play or hats you wear in life as you set your goals to be sure each important area is covered.

Unless achieving a SMART goal is entirely within your control, take time to research the requirements for achieving that goal, such as funding or the support of others. For example if one of your goals is to start a new business, that can be very complicated and deserving of much research. There is a great deal of content online from the Small Business Administration (SBA), services from local community colleges and other resources to help with that. 

Consider also the environment required for achieving each goal. For example if the country is in the midst of a major recession, borrowing money might be harder than if it were in a robust economy. If you wanted to run for political office, consider the opposition and the pros and cons of each political party. 

Make a list of the challenges you will need to overcome to achieve each goal. Or even better, do a SWOT analysis — identify your Strengths, Weaknesses (I prefer Challenges), Opportunities and Threats (generally in the external environment) that might affect your chances of success. That will be great background for the “How To” section which comes next. This is where the rubber hits the road.

How To Be Successful in Life? Plans And Action

Now comes the hard part. Creating a vision and goals is just putting words on paper or screen — even though they are invested with emotions and aspirations, as the old saying goes, “Words are cheap.”

What is the best way to actually achieve your goals? How do you get there? Here are some ideas to help you:

  1. Break big goals into small steps which you can reasonably accomplish. Keep breaking them down till they are small enough and you can say with confidence, “I can do that.” Years ago when I wanted to start my own public relations firm, I wrote down my proposed services and charges on one sheet of paper, then began calling companies which might need these services. I literally made 100 phone calls before I got the first appointment, and then things began falling into place. 
  2. Think about processes and habits and not just “big hairy audacious goals” hanging out in the future like monsters. James Clear advocates, “Forget about setting goals, focus on your systems instead.”⁠1 By system he means habits of daily activity or practice. If you want to write a book, get into the habit of writing one page a day, every day. If you want to run a marathon, develop a training system that will gradually but surely build your endurance. Clear discovered this better approach when he added up all the articles and blog posts he had written in a year, and the total was over 115,000 words. Since a typical book is about 50,000 to 60,000 words, he realized he had written enough to fill up two books on a year. He never had a goal of writing two books a year or 115,000 words. He just focused on his system of writing every day. You can use the same approach to accomplish big goals over time in an almost painless manner.
  3. Narrow down your goals to a few sentences which you can write on a card or small sheet of paper and carry them with you as well as post them in obvious places like your bathroom mirror or your desk where you work. I found it helpful to reduce a small set of goals to a Word file that I printed at a reduced percentage, so I ended up with a 4 x 3.5” piece of paper that I folded in half to be the size of a business card or credit card to carry in my wallet or shirt pocket. I have known other goal-seekers who laminated their goals card so it would fit in their pants pocket but not wear out. Repetition is key. The more you say your goals to yourself, the more likely you will accomplish them. In fact if you say them out loud or write them again with pencil and paper every day, they tend to stick better than if you just read them silently. 
    • This approach takes advantage of what is called autosuggestion or self-hypnosis, one of the most powerful secrets of being more successful in life. When your conscious mind thinks a thought repeatedly, it sinks down into your subconscious mind where it is accepted as truth! So not only does this thought permeate your mind at all levels, then your mind begins to look for ways to turn that goal into reality. And the results can be amazing. 
    • In his 1951 book The Scottish Himalayan Expedition, William Hutchinson Murray wrote these words (which have been falsely attributed to Johann von Goethe but nonetheless have impressed many): “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one\’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”
    • These are not just lofty words but a truth of the Universe that some have called Manifestation or the Power of Intention. The more intensely and often you hold a goal in your mind and vividly imagine it, the more the external world or Universe moves to fulfill this intention! I once led a seminar for a group of veterinarians and one of them wrote down five huge goals expressing her deep desires. As she later told the group in astonishment, within one week four of them had come true — with almost no effort on her part, delivered up by the Universe.
    • This is not the same thing as God answering prayer, which tends to focus more on character, the spirit and healing. This is a secular process that has nothing to do with religion, nor is practicing it in any way “sinful” or anti-religious. You can learn more by researching the topic of Manifestation, and we will also say more about this later in the book.
  4. If possible measure progress toward your goals and keep a record of it. Record how many miles you run each day or how many words you write, for example. Such measurement and feedback will not only help you track your progress but also increase the likelihood that you will achieve your goals. Don’t hesitate to make course corrections along the way. It’s impossible to plan a long course of action in advance with perfection. You are bound to hit potholes and detours on your journey. Remember the secret of success is constantly adapting to the changing environment. Stephen Covey, author of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” was fond of saying, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” Achieving the goal is the main thing. If you find a better way to accomplish it, go for it.
  5. Involve others who might help support you. Perhaps a spouse or significant other, a parent or business associate. Tell them about your goals and ask them to encourage you daily — “You can do this.” Or perhaps just ask them to support you on one primary goal that is relevant to them and their lives as well.
  6. If the goal is particularly challenging, research this topic online and in books to learn how others have achieved a similar goal. If possible meet with one such successful person or maybe even see if you can get someone to mentor you. Such support from another person who has succeeded along the same path can be immensely encouraging and effective in helping you be successful as well.
  7. Divide the path to your goal into milestones which are more easily achievable and reward yourself for achieving each milestone. Give yourself a treat even if it’s simple like a nice meal. This practice of your conscious mind rewarding your subconscious mind for achievements can strengthen your success journey as well as add fun to it.

How To Be Successful In Life - Book CoverThese tips and many others can be found in the award-winning book, How To Be Successful in Life: Discover and Use Your Unique Success Power for  Maximum Results, available from amazon using this link, or click on the book image.




This article was written by Buck Lawrimore, founder of Key Success Edge.




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