Tired Of Being Tracked Online? Try This Private Browser

epic-browser-imageWe learned about this ultra-private browser today from MacInTouch.com, but it also works as well on a PC. Funded in part by the Washington Post, this browser not only blocks all attempts to track you and stick you with ads from where-you’ve-been, but also allows you to use a proxy IP address so those darn tracking sites can’t even tell where you’re coming from. Here’s the short brief from MacInTouch:

Epic Privacy Browser has been recently updated. The free browser from Alok Bhardwaj and Hidden Reflex is designed specifically to provide comprehensive privacy protection, while also providing fast performance. It blocks a huge collection of tracking mechanisms; offers a built-in proxy system to hide your IP address (shown as a green or red plug on the side of the address/search bar); and uses its own, private search engine to protect privacy while earning commissions on searches). (SeeEpic FAQ for more details.) Free and open-source, Epic 31.0.1650.63 (188037) is built on a Chromium foundation and runs on Mac OS X 10.6 and later” as well as on PCs.

Want private browsing? Get Epic.

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1 thought on “Tired Of Being Tracked Online? Try This Private Browser”

  1. Thanks for finally talking about “Tired Of Being Tracked Online?
    Try This Priate Browser | SUCCESS STRATEGIES” Loved it!

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